Unstructured data has been a significant factor in data lakes and analytics for some time. Twelve years ago, nearly a third of enterprises were working with large amounts of unstructured data. As I’ve pointed out previously, unstructured data is really a misnomer. The data is structured; it's just not structured into rows and columns that fit neatly into a relational table like much of the other information enterprises process. Consequently, it requires different skills, different technology...
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Artificial intelligence,
AI & Machine Learning,
Analytics & Data,
Computer Vision
We’ve been saying for years that natural language processing (NLP) and natural language analytics would greatly expand access to analytics. However, prior to the explosion of generative AI (GenAI), software providers had struggled to bring robust natural language capabilities to market. It required considerable manual effort. Many analytics providers had introduced natural language capabilities, but they didn’t really resonate with enterprise requirements. They required significant effort to...
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Business Intelligence,
Artificial intelligence,
natural language processing,
AI & Machine Learning,
Analytics & Data,
Ventana Research recently announced its 2024 Market Agenda for Artificial Intelligence, continuing the guidance we have offered for two decades to help enterprises derive optimal value from technology and improve business outcomes.
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Artificial intelligence,
natural language processing,
Generative AI,
Deep Learning,
Model Building and Large Language Models,
Computer Vision